How to Care for Aging Parents
How to Care for Aging Parents
The Complete Guide

Quick Tips

Planning Ahead
Taking Care of Yourself
Tips for Daily Living
Nursing Home Advice Given on the Oprah Winfrey Show
Internet Resources

Nursing Home Advice Given on the Oprah Winfrey Show

What to look for when touring a nursing home:

* Proximity to family and friends
* Safe, well-maintained building and grounds
* Residents who are busy, well-groomed and content
* Pleasant, caring staff
* On-call medical care
* Flexibility in meeting residents' needs
* Nutritious, appetizing food
* Ample rooms that can be furnished by resident
* Good inspection report
* Pleasant, caring staff and ample staff-to-patient ratio

To get the best possible care within a nursing home:

* Visit often (you and others), at various times and without warning
* Be involved in your parent's “plan of care” and in any family council
* Stay abreast of any changes in care, medication, daily activities, staffing
* Build a supportive partnership with staff
* Let staff know who your parent used to be (post photos of her from her younger days) and what upsets/calms/pleases/frightens her
* When you can't be there, get other friends, family and volunteers to visit, or hire a geriatric care manager, if possible

What to do if you suspect neglect or abuse:

* Act immediately
* Document everything
* Discuss the problem with staff caring for your parent
* Go to supervisor, then administrators and parent's doctor
* Contact the family/resident council, or other families
* Call the long-term-care ombudsman's office for the area
* Call the local citizen's advocacy group
* Report the problem to the state licensing/certification agency
* Contact the National Citizens' Coalition for Nursing Home Reform (202-332-2275)

©1999-2005 Virginia Morris
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