Consulate Health Care of West Altamonte
Consulate Health Care of West Altamonte
1099 West Town Parkway
Altamonte Springs, FL 32714
Phone: (407) 865-8000
Detailed report on the nursing home located in Altamonte Springs, Florida (FL).
Consulate Health Care of West Altamonte is an average sized, for-profit, nursing home with 116 beds based at 1099 West Town Parkway in Altamonte Springs, FL. The facility has 113 residents indicating 97% of it's beds are occupied, which is above average within this state. The provider participates in the medicare & medicaid programs and provides resident counseling services. The home is not located in a hospital or continuing care retirement community and is fully sprinklered. A total of 273 Medicare patients were given 9,241 days of non-swing bed care and services in 2006, and the provider was reimbursed $3,418,031 by Medicare.
On a state level, the number of registered nurse hours per resident per day is average. Certified nursing assistant hours per resident per day is average. The number of licensed practical or vocational nurse hours per resident per day is average. Licensed staff hours per resident per day is average.
When compared to other nursing homes in the state, it is more likely for long-stay residents to need help with daily activities to increase, long-stay residents to have moderate to severe pain, long-stay residents to be physically restrained, long-stay residents to be more depressed or anxious, low-risk long-stay residents to lose control of their bowels, long-stay residents to have catheter inserted and left, long-stay residents to have a urinary tract infection, long-stay residents to lose too much weight, and short-stay residents to have moderate to severe pain at Consulate Health Care of West Altamonte.
When compared to other nursing homes in the state, it is less likely for long-stay residents to be given a influenza vaccination, long-stay residents to be given a pneumococcal vaccination, high-risk long-stay residents to have pressure sores, short-stay residents to be given a influenza vaccination, short-stay residents to be given a pneumococcal vaccination, short-stay residents to have delirium, and short-stay residents to have pressure sores.
Ownership Type
For-Profit - Corporation
Multiple Ownership
Programs Accepted
Medicare & Medicaid
Counseling Available
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