Health Center Of Coconut Creek
Health Center Of Coconut Creek
Nursing Home Grades
(954) 968-8333
Size (date of last inspection: 20060310)
120 total beds available
119 current residents
99% occupied
Staff Presence
4.36 nurse hours per resident per day
0.27 with Registered Nurses
1.24 with Licensed Practical Nurses
2.85 with Certified Nurse Assistants
Medicare and Medicaid
Yes participant in Medicare
Yes participant in Medicaid
Administration Details
# This home is owned by a for-profit corporation
# This home is not located within a hospital
# The owner does not own other homes
# This home has resident and family councils
Resident Details (survey date: 20060310)
24% Percent of Residents Whose Ability to Move About in and Around Their Room Got Worse
11% Percent of Residents Who Were Physically Restrained
70% Percent of Low-Risk Residents Who Lose Control of Their Bowels or Bladder
26% Percent of High-Risk Residents Who Have Pressure Sores
11% Percent of Residents Who are More Depressed or Anxious
3% Percent of Residents With a Urinary Tract Infection
0% Percent of Residents Who Spend Most of Their Time in Bed or in a Chair
6% Percent of Residents Who Have Moderate to Severe Pain
7% Percent of Residents Who Have/Had a Catheter Inserted and Left in Their Bladder
36% Percent of Short-Stay Residents Who Had Moderate to Severe Pain
21% Percent of Residents Whose Need for Help With Daily Activities Has Increased
13% Percent of Low-Risk Residents Who Have Pressure Sores
0% Percent of Short-Stay Residents With Delirium
7% Percent of Residents Who Lose Too Much Weight
21% Percent of Short-Stay Residents With Pressure Sores
Deficiencies Found in Home Inspections
1...12 Resident Rights: Try to resolve each resident's complaints quickly.
Level of Harm: Minimal harm or potential for actual harm Scope: Pattern
Survey Date: 20050107 Corrected By: 20050218
1...12 Nutrition and Diet: Make sure that residents are well nourished.
Level of Harm: Minimal harm or potential for actual harm Scope: Pattern
Survey Date: 20040205 Corrected By: 20040326
1...12 Nutrition and Diet: Provide food in a way that meets a resident's needs.
Level of Harm: Minimal harm or potential for actual harm Scope: Pattern
Survey Date: 20040205 Corrected By: 20040326
1...12 Administration: Keep accurate and appropriate medical records.
Level of Harm: Minimal harm or potential for actual harm Scope: Isolated
Survey Date: 20050107 Corrected By: 20050218
1...12 Environmental: Provide needed housekeeping and maintenance.
Level of Harm: Minimal harm or potential for actual harm Scope: Isolated
Survey Date: 20060310 Corrected By: 20060424
1...12 Quality Care: Properly care for residents needing special services, including: injections, colostomy, ureostomy, ileostomy, tracheostomy care, tracheal suctioning, respiratory care, foot care, and prostheses.
Level of Harm: Minimal harm or potential for actual harm Scope: Isolated
Survey Date: 20060310 Corrected By: 20060424
1...12 Pharmacy Service: Keep drugs and other similar products locked safely and properly stored.
Level of Harm: Minimal harm or potential for actual harm Scope: Isolated
Survey Date: 20060310 Corrected By: 20060424
1...12 Resident Rights: Provide care in a way that keeps or builds each resident's dignity and self respect.
Level of Harm: Minimal harm or potential for actual harm Scope: Isolated
Survey Date: 20040205 Corrected By: 20040326
1...12 Environmental: Have a program to keep infection from spreading.
Level of Harm: Minimal harm or potential for actual harm Scope: Isolated
Survey Date: 20060310 Corrected By: 20060424
1...12 Administration: Give lab tests only when the attending doctor ordered them.
Level of Harm: Minimal harm or potential for actual harm Scope: Isolated
Survey Date: 20060310 Corrected By: 20060424
1...12 Nutrition and Diet: Make sure that the attending doctor orders special diets.
Level of Harm: Minimal harm or potential for actual harm Scope: Isolated
Survey Date: 20050107 Corrected By: 20050218
1...12 Nutrition and Diet: Provide food in a way that meets a resident's needs.
Level of Harm: Minimal harm or potential for actual harm Scope: Isolated
Survey Date: 20050107 Corrected By: 20050218
1...12 Environmental: Make sure that the nursing home area is free of dangers that cause accidents.
Level of Harm: Minimal harm or potential for actual harm Scope: Isolated
Survey Date: 20050107 Corrected By: 20050218
1...12 Environmental: Provide needed housekeeping and maintenance.
Level of Harm: Minimal harm or potential for actual harm Scope: Isolated
Survey Date: 20050107 Corrected By: 20050218
1...12 Resident Rights: Provide services to meet the needs and preferences of each resident.
Level of Harm: Minimal harm or potential for actual harm Scope: Isolated
Survey Date: 20050107 Corrected By: 20050218
1...12 Resident Rights: Provide care in a way that keeps or builds each resident's dignity and self respect.
Level of Harm: Minimal harm or potential for actual harm Scope: Isolated
Survey Date: 20050107 Corrected By: 20050218
1...12 Pharmacy Service: Keep drugs and other similar products locked safely and properly stored.
Level of Harm: Minimal harm or potential for actual harm Scope: Isolated
Survey Date: 20040205 Corrected By: 20040326
1...12 Administration: Keep accurate and appropriate medical records.
Level of Harm: Minimal harm or potential for actual harm Scope: Isolated
Survey Date: 20060310 Corrected By: 20060424
1...12 Resident Rights: Tell each resident who can get Medicaid benefits about 1) which items and services Medicaid covers and which the resident must pay for; or 2) how to apply for Medicaid, along with the names and addresses of State groups that can help.
Level of Harm: Potential for minimal harm Scope: Pattern
Survey Date: 20050107 Corrected By: 20050218
©2006 Nursing Home Grades
