Omni Home Care
Omni Home Care
4359 South Suncoast Boulevard
Homosassa, FL 34446
Skilled Nursing
Skilled nursing is provided by qualified professionals under the direction of the physician. These professionals provide skilled nursing services in the home setting.
Skilled Nursing:
* Overall evaluation and Coordination of care
* Patient/caregiver teaching
* Nutrition
* Disease process teaching
* Diabetic education
* Catheter change
* Complication prevention teaching
* IV Therapy / antibiotics, TPN
* Medication teaching
* Chemotherapy
* Injections
* Observation / Assessment
* Wound care
* Pain management
* Teaching self catheter care
* Dressing change teaching
* Ostomy care and teaching
We provide skilled professional medical care in the privacy of the patient's home. If you have a patient in need of home health care services, please call Omni Home Care.
About us:
Omni Home Care is committed to providing the best healthcare to our patient in the privacy of their home in a cost effective manner. We strive to be the home care agency of choice in the communities we serve. We value those we serve and treat our patients and each other with respect, empathy, courtesy, and compassion.
Our philosophy is to provide quality care in the least restrictive environment (the patient's home) as would be provided in the most restrictive environment (the hospital). The delivery of skilled and ancillary services must be in compliance with all government standards, rules and regulations. Care must be consistent with the needs of our patient while being cost effective.
By treating our patients at home, skilled home care nurses can detect complications in the early stages and report them to the physician. OMNI Home Care can assist the physician in saving our patients from an additional hospital stay.
We recognize that every human being has personal rights which must be respected and should not be violated. We are committed to ensuring all rights and privileges to our health care patients.
© 2007 OMNI Home Care
